Kubernetes Secrets, ConfigMaps, RBAC, PVs and PVCs

Create the KinD Cluster

kind create cluster --name tambootcamp

Make sure the Nodes are in the Ready State. If not wait for it. You can check the status by running the below command:

kubectl get nodes

Apply the sidecar pod yaml manifest using

kubectl apply -f sidecar.yaml

Get the pods running using

kubectl get pods

Now exec into the pod

kubectl exec -it sidecar-container-demo -c main-container -- /bin/sh

apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl

curl localhost

You will see the below output

echo Mon May 10 00:05:07 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:05:11 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:05:16 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:05:21 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:05:26 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:05:31 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:05:36 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:05:41 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:05:46 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:05:51 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:05:56 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container
echo Mon May 10 00:06:01 UTC 2021 Hi I am from Sidecar container

So here you can see that the logs are generated by the main container, however the output is from the Sidecar container.

Type exit to exit from the container.


Now lets's create a Secret
kubectl create secret generic credentials --from-literal=username=arathod --from-literal=password=VMware

Have a look at the secret using the describe and get -o yaml

kubectl describe secret credentials

kubectl get secret credentials -o yaml

You will notice that the username and password looks different from what you have created. That is because the data is stored in a base64 encoded format.

You might have guessed it right, even though we call it a secret , it's not precisely a super secret thing since this can be decoded exactly how this was encoded using the command

echo YXJhdGhvZA==| base64 --decode

Now you could use the secret-test-pod.yaml file to create a pod which will reference the secret. Note that we are mounting the secret as a Volume at /etc/secret-volume within the container.

So lets apply the secret-test-pod.yaml file using

kubectl apply -f secret-test-pod.yaml

Let's exec into the pod using

kubectl exec -it secret-test-pod -- /bin/bash

Now, you should be in the container's shell , navigate to /etc/secret-volume using

cd /etc/secret-volume

You will notice that there are two files, username and password and if you cat them, you will see the username and password in the decoded format.

Now let's create a ConfigMap(cm)
kubectl create configmap my-config --from-literal=fqdn=mysite.com

If you noticed ConfigMaps are very similar to Secrets. Even they get mounted as a volume within the container. They differ with the idea that you wouldnt store anything confidential or secretive in a ConfigMap.

Here I am creating a ConfigMap where I want to pass a configuration data "fqdn=mysite.com" so that my application gets the configuration in order to do it's job.

Have a look at the ConfigMap using the describe and get -o yaml

kubectl describe cm my-config
kubectl get cm my-config -o yaml

Just like secrets, let's mount this into a container in a pod and see if the configuration exists there, For that I have the pod yaml cm-test-pod.yaml, let's apply that.

kubectl apply -f cm-test-pod.yaml

Now, you should be in the container's shell , navigate to /etc/config using

cd /etc/config
cat fqdn

You will see mysite.com in there.

Now let's see RBAC - Roles, ClusterRoles, RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings
To create a Role named "pod-reader" that allows user to perform "get", "watch" and "list" on pods

kubectl create role pod-reader --verb=get --verb=list --verb=watch --resource=pods

Now we bind this Role which has the permission to get, watch and list pods to a specific user/group using a RoleBinding or a ClusterRoleBinding using the command

kubectl create rolebinding admin --role=pod-reader --user=user1

You can test if the user can create pods using the command:

kubectl auth can-i create pod --as=user1

Feel free to try with get instead of create in the above command and see the difference.

The same logic applies for ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings with the only difference being the scope for them is cluster-wide.

Check out the existing ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings using the command

kubectl get clusterroles
kubectl describe clusterroles admin
kubectl describe clusterroles cluster-admin

kubectl get clusterrolebinding
kubectl describe clusterrolebinding system:basic-user
kubectl describe clusterrolebinding cluster-admin

The user which was created during the rolebinding creation is different from a service account take a look at https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/service-accounts-admin/

Now let's switch gears to PersistentVolumes
Since we are using KinD, before we learn PeristentVolumes, you need to know about StorageClasses.

Let's get the StorageClasses in the current cluster using

kubectl get sc

StorageClass describes the parameters for a class of storage for which PersistentVolumes can be dynamically provisioned. You will notice a standard StorageClass in there. Make a note of the VOLUMEBINDINGMODE which states WaitForFirstConsumer. This means that this will delay the binding and provisioning of a PersistentVolume until a Pod using the PersistentVolumeClaim is created.

There is no imperative way that I know of to create a PersistentVolume, so we will have to create a YAML for this. In the repo you will find a file called as pv.yaml. Let's apply that.

cat pv.yaml

Notice the storageClassName and the storage portions.

kubectl apply -f pv.yaml

Now lets take a look at the pv's using(note the output in terms of status and claim)

kubectl get pv

Now let's create a PeristentVolumeClaim for this Persistent Volume using the pvc.yaml file.

kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml

Note the status, claim and the access modes in there. Even though we created a pvc for this pv, the status and the claim has'nt changed. This is because of the volumeBindingMode being set to WaitForFirstConsumer in the StorageClass. It basically means that there has to be a consumer created so that the PersistentVolume becomes bound.

So let's get our first consumer to use the Peristent Volume. Let's use the pod_storage.yaml file which is a pod definition file which specifies the claim name. It also gives a name to the volume in the volumes section under the spec. Meanwhile it also specifies the name of the volume under volumeMounts within the container section of the yaml file.

kubectl apply -f pod_storage.yaml

One last thing from a storage perspective is using dynamic provisioning using volumeClaimTemplates. For this we will be deploying a StatefulSet(mongodb.yaml)

kubectl apply -f mongodb.yaml

Run the commands again to get the pv,pvc again.

kubectl get pv,pvc

Yes you can separate the object names using a ","!

Finally, let's take a look at CRDs. These are the type of objects which Kubernetes Out of the Box does not understand and needs to be told about it. In here we will create a CRD called as route. This is the OpenShift Route CRD.

kubectl apply -f route_crd.yaml

Once applied, you can run commands like

kubectl explain route
kubectl get routes

You can also see this now in the list of api-resources

kubectl api-resources

For the Node Operations , you will have to setup a cluster with more than 1 node. The cluster which you have been using so far is made of 1 single node. We will setup a 3 node cluster using the kind-config.yaml file in the repo.

Before you create another K8S cluster, you can delete the current cluster using the below command.

kind delete cluster --name tambootcamp

Now you can create the three node cluster using the command below:

kind create cluster --name tamlab --config kind-config.yaml

Allow it some time, it's a three node cluster!

Once the cluster is provisioned, it's important to see if the nodes are in the ready state using

kubectl get nodes

You can describe the node using the command

kubectl describe node INSERT_NODE_NAME_HERE

First let's cordon it using

kubectl cordon INSERT_NODE_NAME_HERE

Now drain it using


Once the maintenance of the node is done, you can uncordon it using

kubcetl uncordon INSERT_NODE_NAME_HERE